
Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Website’s Ranking in Google’s Search Results

Make sure Google ranks your website at the top!

A few years back, getting found in a search engine wasn’t hard. Create a website and choose a domain, a little keyword research and some title and meta tags, that’s it. With Google’s increasing thirst for quality, authenticity and usability, you have to sweat a bit more now. Traditional tactics cannot produce the same results today, businesses has to be smart enough to beat the competition.

Google has become the most beloved Web search engine, but it’s not easy to become a part of its top search results. It is imperative to improve your site’s ranking to show up higher in the search results so that users can actually find it. Many Web experts have defined SEO as an important process of optimizing your website.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a pretty tricky subject for businesses especially to most start-ups. Therefore, I’ve composed some straightforward tips on how business people can enjoy high rankings on Google. While there are no ‘magic pills’ to improve rankings, there are always ways to make sure that your website looks perfectly fine to the Googlebot. Combined with some tricks and cross linking, you’ll get higher ranking in Google.

  • Practice Marketing Basics – Start with a plan as no matter how many disruptive technologies, paradigms, or buzzwords are introduced, SEO’s favorite is ‘marketing’. Tell about your expertise, conduct proper research and segment your audience.
  • Design Site for Different Screens – Create a site that works well on mobile and tablet as it’s pretty clear from Google that no mobile experience means no love from search engines. With so much focus on mobility and usability, it’s vital to fit multiple screens.
  • Create Uncomplicated Navigation Links – The easier your customer’s journey within your website, the higher success rate you would enjoy. Most search engines crawl your site through navigation links, so it’s better to include shorter steps.
  • Include Enough Quality Content – There’s no such ideal length but your content should be enough to satisfy your customer’s requirement. Panda, Google’s content quality filter is now active to have a check on manipulative practices and weak content.
  • Encourage Social Media Presence – Increase the number of places where your customers can interact with you through their comments, reviews and liking. You can enjoy more business via referrals as such platforms are exposed to mass population.
  • Set up Google Webmaster Tools – To better understand how search engines are responding to your site. This toolset will help you get detailed information on how Google is crawling your site, what links are being recognized, and more.
  • Regular Website Audits – The SEOprofiler’s audit tool checks your web pages automatically once per week. You get a detailed report displaying all the issues to be corrected. Correcting these issues will make sure that Google can index all of your site’s pages correctly.
  • Links are Most Important – Ask for links from customers, friends, business partners and also encourage employees to refer your website wherever possible. Float links on social media profiles and you will notice appreciable results.

With regard to create a search engine friendly website, you are required to learn and implement SEO tips.